JSP / J2EE / Advanced Java projects titles for B.Sc - CS - IT / B.C.A. / M.Sc - CS - IT / MCA students

Project Code Project Title
JSP-App-001 Product or Item Suggestion System based on the User review Stability in the Online Shopping
JSP-App-002 Parent – College private Network for student Activity notification
JSP-App-003 Online Social reputation system to the Irrelevant and abusive contents
JSP-App-004 Emotional and Essential Email Filtering System
JSP-App-005 Detection and notification of suspicious messages through Sentiment analysis in the Micro blogging sites
JSP-App-006 Automatic Plant or crop Protection and Pesticide supply system against the pest Propagation
JSP-App-007 A Secure broker less Content based Publish and Subscribe mechanism for E publishing